OTP Prompt Generator

Generate unique & interesting prompt starters

What is OTP Prompt Generator

OTP Prompt Generator

OTP Prompt Generator is a free online tool for writers to craft unique scenes for stories. Using these OTP prompts one can write interesting stories without spending time in brainstorming base ideas.

You can also use writing prompt generator on our website to get detailed story ideas with word count and theme.

Both of these tools can be used together to generate even more interesting content ideas. By using the OTP Prompt Generator, you’ll be able to write scenes that will make the storytelling interesting enough to keep readers glued to it.

How to use OTP Prompt Generator

The OTP Prompt Generator is built keeping ease of use in mind. The interface of this online prompt generator is really easy.

OTP Prompts

All you have to do is to enter names of your characters and keep pressing the big black button that says “GENERATE OTP PROMPT” and you’ll be presented a new OTP prompt idea at each click.

Best OTP Prompts Ideas

  • Catherine buying David a special treat when they go out shopping.
  • Catherine staring admiringly at David from across the room. A friend whispers into Catherine’s ear: ‘Why are you so thirsty?’
  • Catherine and David chilling out on beds and couches at a furniture store.
  • Catherine and David throwing food for the ducks at the duck pond.
  • Catherine running out in the middle of the night to get a food item that David is craving.
  • David and Catherine discovering a hidden treasure.
  • Catherine and David making wishes.
  • David helping Catherine dry and brush their hair after a shower.
  • Catherine and David taking couple quizzes on the Internet.
  • David and Catherine sleeping on top of each other (in the bed, couch, where ever you prefer) when Catherine flops down on the floor.

NOTE: By simply changing ‘Catherine’ and ‘David’ with your story characters, you’ll have these interesting prompts at your disposal.

Tell me what you think about the OTP prompt generator in the comments section. Also, let me know if you have any suggestions for new prompts.